Aunn-Zara, based on Faiza Iftikhar’s much-loved novel "Hisaar-e-Mohabbat". Directed by: Haissam Hussain. Produced by: Shahzad Chaudhry/Oriental Films. Thursdays at 8 pm, starting from the 20th of June, only on A-Plus Entertainment. Aun Zara a story of man who won't to get attention of his wife who are beloved daughter-in-law but not unable to give her time to his Husband.
Novel: Hisaar-e-Mohabbat
Director: Haissam Hussain
Producer: Shahzad Chaudhry
Writer: Faiza Iftikhar
Cast: Maya Ali, Osman Khalid Butt, Nasreen Qureshi, Hina Bayat, Irfan Khoosat, Sabreen Hisbani, Adnan Jaffar, Yasirr Mazher, Mukarram Kaleem, Mahira Bhatti, Saima & others.
Genre: Rom-com (Romantic comedy)
Language: Urdu
Country: Pakistan
Date: 27th May 2013
Time: Every Saturday 8:00 pm