Chennai Express is an upcoming 2013 Indian action comedy film directed by Rohit Shetty and produced by Gauri Khan under her production banner Red Chillies Entertainment. The film features Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in lead roles. This is the second collaboration between Khan and Padukone after the 2007 blockbuster Om Shanti Om and the first collaboration between Khan and Shetty. Chennai Express is about a man’s journey from Mumbai to Rameshwaram and what happens along the way. Principal photography began on 27 September 2012. Filming began in October 2012 and is expeted to wrap-up by April 2013.
Shahrukh Khan as Rahul
Deepika Padukone as Priya
Sathyaraj as Priya’s father
Manorama as Priya’s aunt
Nikitin Dheer
Rani Mukherji in a special appearance
Priyamani in an item number
Kapil Sharma
Krushna Abhishek
Deepika Padukone as Priya
Sathyaraj as Priya’s father
Manorama as Priya’s aunt
Nikitin Dheer
Rani Mukherji in a special appearance
Priyamani in an item number
Kapil Sharma
Krushna Abhishek
Director… Rohit Shetty
Gauri Khan
Karim Morani
Ronnie Screwvala
Siddharth Roy Kapur
Karim Morani
Ronnie Screwvala
Siddharth Roy Kapur
Genre… Comedy
Release Date…8 Aug 2013
Release Date…8 Aug 2013
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